Steam link diablo 2 resurrected
Steam link diablo 2 resurrected

steam link diablo 2 resurrected

Follow our guide here to learn how to install GE-Proton. During the beta, it was important to choose GE-Proton 7.51 or Proton Experimental. and under Compatibility, toggle the Force the use of a specific Steam Play compatibility tool option. Don't launch it yet, but instead click on the cog wheel icon, then Properties. It should be called something along the lines of.

  • Now, navigate to the newly added entry in your Steam Library.
  • steam link diablo 2 resurrected

    Don't forget to show All Files under File type: if you can't find the installer. Navigate to your downloads folder by clicking on Browse, and then go to home/deck/Downloads and add the installer file to Steam. Open up desktop Steam, go to Library, and at the bottom left corner, click on the plus sign, then Add a Non-Steam Game.

  • Next, open up the browser of your choice, go to the Blizzard download page (or just search for it on Google), and download the Windows installer.
  • Click the Steam button, go down to Power, and then Switch to Desktop.
  • On your Steam Deck, go to desktop mode.
  • If you prefer following a video instead of a written guide, here is an alternative way (our guide below is different, but no option is better per se) to install Diablo IV on your Steam Deck, thanks to our friend Bill from NerdNest: How to install on Steam Deck and SteamOS So, on to getting things working on your Steam Deck. For this process, I suggest you hook up a mouse and keyboard to your Steam Deck, or alternatively install Steam Link on your PC and use it to remotely connect to your Deck. But can you play Diablo IV on Steam Deck?įrom the closed and open beta experiences back in March, we know the answer to be " yes", though the process is a bit involved - because although Diablo IV only officially supports Windows, thanks to the magic of Proton, we can make it run on Steam Deck.įirst, we need to install the launcher on SteamOS.

    steam link diablo 2 resurrected

    Of course if you preordered the Ultimate Edition or Digital Deluxe Edition you've already been busy playing the game (starting June 2nd). We can now return to Sanctuary thanks to the release of Diablo IV (or Diablo 4 if you prefer). Here is how you can play Diablo IV on Steam Deck, including a guide for installing on SteamOS.

    Steam link diablo 2 resurrected